i’m not qualified. but here is my life advice.

i have been feeling very nostalgic the last little while, and for some reason am viewing my upcoming birthday as a turning point in my life. this year i am determined to accomplish many of my goals (check out my bucket list), as well as living life to the absolute fullest. looking back over my years, i think there are many things i have learned that have gotten me where i am today, and will continue to help me over the course of my life. so for this lovely friday before the long weekend, here is some life advice i thought i’d share. hope it helps you as much as it has me!


1. treat others the way you want to be treated. i would hope this is common sense, but i truly believe you get back what you give. if you want people to treat you with respect, kindness and warmth, you have to treat them with the same qualities. my parents have always told my brother, sister and i this, and i’ve stood by it throughout my entire life.


2. if you’re not happy with school/your job- make a change. once i  graduated from school, i got a job right away as an assistant buyer for a really great company. however, after a little while i came to realize that a) buying was not the career path for me and b) i was miserable. it was a terrifying decision, but i quit my job, and started working at sportchek again part-time. i did like 150 internships though, and took on a number of freelance projects-working my butt off. i’m not going to lie- there were moments i was pretty sure i was never going to find anything and would be stuck at sportchek for the rest of my life- but with some patience, and determination, i found the job i am now in, and which i LOVE! i am in the industry i want to be, and work for two of the most inspiring and hard-working women i have ever known (now go to www.thepeacockparade.com now!!!) (lol)

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3. if you need help, ask for it. at times i tend to internalize things, keeping problems to myself and not talking about them. i’m a bit stubborn, and like to think that i can do everything by myself and never need help. but guess what- i’m human, and thats impossible. i know the moment i am having a problem and struggling with something and i talk to my mom and my sister i not only get a second opinion on the matter, but i also feel a million times better. asking for help takes a lot of stress off, and lets you look at the situation in a whole new light.


4. don’t be afraid to say no. sometimes at the end of the day all i want to do is go home and watch criminal minds and eat pop chips. if that’s what i feel like doing- then that is now what i do. i’m not afraid to turn down an event, or not make plans with friends just because i feel bad. if you don’t want to do something, then just don’t do it. you won’t enjoy it, and you’ll be wishing that you were at home with dr.spencer read the whole time.


5. don’t be afraid to be alone and learn to enjoy your own company. i’m not going to lie- i really like hanging out with myself and i do it a lot. there is nothing like plugging in my earphones and going for a run. or catching up on a good book. or watching a movie. when i talk to people all day long, sometimes i just need to come home and shut off. my next step is the movies by myself. and then perhaps a nice dinner date with me, myself and i.


6. you only live once, take care of yourself! okay as a former coach potato i know that it is easy to make excuses. but- we all have a responsibility to ourselves to live healthy, active life styles. if you aren’t into more intense forms of exercise, try going outside for a walk, a leisurely bike ride. i guarantee you will feel 100x better. making a change in my life was the best decision i ever made for myself- and in all honesty it wasn’t the hardest thing i’ve ever done. once you start, its easy to continue- and it becomes a regular part of your life. you just need a little will-power and determination and anything is possible.


7. challenge yourself. as i mentioned before, this year i am challenging myself to embrace my fears, and do some of the things i have always been terrified of doing. for example, i am apparently going skydiving. thinking about it as i type this- it seems like the craziest, stupid idea. BUT- it’s something i have always thought about, and something that i know, i know, once i do it, i’m going to be so happy that i did. last year, i challenged myself to run a half-marathon. when i started the training i couldn’t run for 15 minutes straight. but i finished it, and with an excellent time. i cannot describe to you the feeling i felt, (holding hands with sarah), and crossing the finish line. i was high on life for days. it was a challenge, but i rose to the occasion, and it paid off. i’m doing the half-marathon again this year, and this time i am challenging myself to beat my original time.



8. try new things. if you never try anything new, how will you ever know what you really like. i try to apply this motto to all aspects of my life. i love trying new foods, new products, new styles, new exercises- everything. you can really surprise yourself when you take a chance and move away from routine. for instance- and this probably sounds ridiculous- but for some reason i had this idea in my head that i hated pears, even though i don’t think i ever tried one. then a couple of months ago, i had some pear in a salad- and i friggen loved it. now i’m completely obsessed, and could probably eat five a day if i let myself. you’ll just never know- unless you try.


9. don’t over complicate things and skip the drama. i think we are all guilty of over-thinking and over complicating things- i know for sure i am. usually the situation is never as bad as it seems, and you’re making half of it up in your head. if you think some one has a problem with you-ask them. if a problem arises in your life-deal with it. there are too many enjoyable things in life to worry about what other people think about you- or to get caught up in unnecessary drama. if you’re dealing with someone who is bringing drama to your life- get away from them. it’s not worth it.


10. believe in miracles and just be happy. every day i am surprised by how many amazing things there are in this world. miracles happen literally every day, and there is just so much to be happy about. life is too short to waste it. be positive about each day you face and what’s to come. not to sound too cheesy, but the future is yours for the taking. you only have one life, so you might as well live it right.


have a great long weekend everyone.

ox, katie

27 things i’m going to do when i turn 27.

i have to face facts- i’m not getting any younger. i’m not saying i am very old or anything- but i think it’s about time i stop waiting around for life to happen to me, and make life happen for myself. this saturday i am turning 25 for the third time (aka 27). and i’ve been thinking a lot about all the things i am still hoping to accomplish. instead of being upset that i’m going to be another year older, i am going to take each year as an opportunity to challenge myself to do all the things i always say i’m going to do, and some how never get around to doing. so as it is my 27th year, i am going to challenge myself to do 27 things i’ve always wanted to do- a bucket list of sorts. images so without further ado- here is my list that i will start checking off come saturday! (i’ll be documenting throughout the year as well!) 1. get my belly button pierced. i have always wanted to do this and some how just haven’t. so, on saturday i am going to get it done! (mom if you are reading this please don’t freak out, i need you to come and hold my hand so i don’t freak out!) 2. go sky diving. again this is something i have always wanted to do, and always say i’m going to do, but never do. so at some point this year i will be making an appointment and going to go jump out of a plane- would anyone like to come and make sure i do it? 3. go to california. at some point this year i am going to take a trip to california. i have this feeling that i am going to love it there- so i’m going to go. i can just picture myself riding a bike down a boardwalk and soaking up the sun on a beach. tumblr_mibrm2tEMF1rbht5bo1_500 4. buy an apartment. i think it’s about time i move out of my parents lovely house. although they have been so kind as to let me stay there while i save up some money, it’s time for me to move on and create my own space. i’m not overly picky about the size- i know i’ll make it home. tumblr_luh0bp2qX01qjbmblo1_500 5. learn to drive standard. this is going to require one of my lovely friends who has a standard car to teach me. i am also hoping that when my brother gets a car it will be standard and then he can teach me. it’s going to be an interesting experience for those of you who know what my driving is like now on an automatic. (hopefully one day i’ll own a car that looks like this!) f003fcebb87af06c542ddef10cb59fb4aa4df8a0 6. get a tattoo to represent the people that mean the most to me (my family). i have been wanting this for some time now- and i know what it will be- you’ll just have to wait and see! 7. learn cpr. i think this is a very important thing to have for a number of reasons. you never know when someone around you could need help- and i want to be able to be able to provide that help. 8. buy a coffee for a stranger. i’m a big fan of paying it forward- i think you get back in life what you give. i’m a little unclear of how you are supposed to buy coffee for the person behind you in line (how do you know what they like?) are you just supposed to give the cashier the money and get them to say it’s on you? i’ll figure it out and make sure i do it! (i also think i’ll throw in a cookie- i know i’d be happy if someone bought me one!) cofee 9. sew more. i took sewing lessons when i was younger, and then a friend and i started them up again last summer. i love being able to create my own clothes. unfortunately, i don’t have time for lessons any more, but i do feel pretty confident that i can do it myself. my mom also recently acquired a vintage singer sewing machine which is pretty amazing. sew 10. rescue a dog from an animal shelter. last year my sister and mack rescued the most amazing dog, (my nephew), bruce, from the peterborough humane society. the amount of joy and happiness he has brought to our lives is amazing. and there has been such a change in him since they first got him. i’d love to get him a brother or sister to play with. not only would i be making a difference in the dog’s life, but i know they’d make a big difference in mine. bruce 11. knit a scarf. the amount of times i have started to knit a scarf and never finished it is unbelievable. i am now exceptionally good at knitting a straight row, so it’s about time i finished it. this year i will make one. i will! 12. beat my half marathon time. i am planning on doing the scotia-bank half marathon once again this year and would like to beat my time from last year. i think with the proper amount of training it is definitely possible. 13. learn a card trick. i have always wanted to learn a card trick so i can impress and amaze people at parties. i am sure i can learn one from a youtube video- i mean it’s magic, just magic. 14. watch the star wars movies in order. i have seen a few of them, and bits and pieces of others, but never all of them completely. this year i will watch them all. not necessarily all in one sitting lol, but over the course of the year i think this is something i can achieve. yoda 15. visit the grand canyon. hopefully when i am in vegas in may this will happen- actually no it will happen. the last time i was there i didn’t get the chance to go- but i think it would just be an incredibly experience that i don’t want to miss out on. grand 16. zip-line.  okay i tried this once, and even though it was in may, we had ice pellets and hail raining down on us and i got too freaked out and stopped. so…i am challenging myself to get over my fear of heights and just do it. i’ve heard that it’s a lot of fun- so i’m going to make it happen! 17. draw more. in my younger years i used to draw all the time and always had a notebook handy. it seems that over the last couple of years i’ve blamed my lack of drawing on being too busy. so i’ve put a notebook in my bag (starting today as a matter of fact!) and am going to start doodling and see where that takes me. 18. make new friends, and rekindle old friendships. it seems over the past few weeks a number of people have come back into my life somehow or another. i have loved the fact that they have reached out/i have reached out to them, and truly believe that they we are crossing each others paths for a reason. if someone comes into your life, hold on to them, meet for coffee, like i said, everything happens for a reason. 19. send a message in a bottle. writing this blog has rekindled my love affair with writing, and i have been doing a lot more of it, and loving it. this year i am going to write a letter, put it in a bottle, and send it out. i am visiting cornwall in august, so i will have a perfect opportunity to throw it into the atlantic ocean! 20. plant a tree. in all my life i have never done this and i think it’s about time. i don’t think my parents are going to let me do this at our house because we have a lot of trees already, so i’ll have to find someplace else. does anyone know if you can just go and plant a tree somewhere? tree 21. start a fund for something i’d really like to buy myself. there are a few things i aspire to own, and i think this will be the year that i start saving up for one of them. i’m not sure if a year will do it, but i’ll make a start. 22. dye my hair purple. i have always, always wanted to dye all of my hair purple, and at some point this year i would like to do it. i think i could pull it off- and i love changing up my hair colour. katy 23. spend a day reading a great novel. i already have a new years resolution going on about reading a book a week for a year- but at some point this year i’d like to find a secluded spot and spend the day reading a book i’ve always wanted too- with no interruptions. read 24. grow a garden. once i move into my own place i would also like to do some gardening, and grow some of my own veggies. 25. cook a really nice meal for all my friends. i love cooking but i often find that i don’t have the time to do it. this year at some point i’d like to make something like a 10 course meal and invite all of my friends over to enjoy it. outdoor dinner party 4 26. volunteer. i also think i need to make some more time and find some where to volunteer on a more regular basis. i’d love to volunteer at an animal shelter, but i think i would have a hard time not taking all of the animals home with me. i’m definitely going to look into this some more. 27. take a deep breathe and be happy with what i have. although i think it is extremely important to have dreams and goals to work towards, i also think it’s very important to take a moment and appreciate what you do already have. often i think people are so focused on the future they forget to focus on what’s happening around them. i promise myself that this year i am going to take more time for those little, yet very important moments, and just be happy in my life with what i have the amazing people around me. happy1 ox, katie

looking on the bright side of life.

every body has times in their lives when it gets hard. perhaps it’s problems with school, your job, friends, relationships. i suppose i have had my fair share of hardships, but i have been blessed with amazing friends and family that are always there to support me no matter what. not to sound cheesy, but looking at the positive things in your life can really turn it around. if i have a shitty day i know if i read some of my favourite quotes, listen to my favourite songs, or go to my favourite places i will immediately start to cheer up. every one goes through things in their lives from time to time, but staying positive (if you are able to) can really make a difference in how you react to those hardships. here are some of the things that always make me feel a little bit better.



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i think it’s also important to remember that if you’re having a shitty day- you probably aren’t the only one. i know that if someone shows me kindness, it also makes me feel a lot better. again, not to be cheesy, but treat people the way you want to be treated. you never know how people around you could be feeling. maybe a friendly hello, a small gesture- you never know what you could make someones day and really turn it around.

i hope everyone has an excellent day and weekend. happy first day of summer.

ox, katie

coco made me do it and another collection of interesting tees.

if someone told me i could only wear one outfit for the rest of my entire life i think i would pick black jeans and a white t-shirt. if i could get away with it, i’d also probably wear a t-shirt every day, but i feel the need to dress a little bit more sophisticated from time to time. my mom always bugs me about the number of black/white t-shirts tanks that hang in my closet. but they are just so comfortable and easy to accessorize. however, in an effort to stop wearing plain black and white i have discovered t-shirts with cute and catchy, fashionable sayings. it’s basically a win-win situation here- i still get to wear a t-shirt but it’s not so plain (even though there is nothing wrong with it).

my first catchy-t-shirt purchase might be one of my favourite pieces in my wardrobe right now. here i am wearing it today! just a little salute to one of my many fashion gods.


the best thing about these kind of t-shirts (if you look on any street style website like lookbook.nu they are everywhere!) is that they are unique, and not very expensive! i got my “coco made me do it” tee at sheinside.com for $16.50! below i have complied a fun collection of some of the cutest t-shirts around- where to get them- and how much they are! what’s your favourite?

black short sleeve dog print rivet t-shirt- www.sheinside.com– $27.42- frightening to some, but amazing to others!


white short sleeve double triangles print t-shirt- www.sheinside.com– $19.00- simple but i love it!


rose red short sleeve diamond letters print t-shirt- www.sheinside.com– $24.59- for all of you rhianna lovers out there!


black batwing sleeve heroes print loose t-shirt- www.sheinside.com– $22.79- for all the nerd/fashion girlies!


white sleeveless need more sleep print t-shirt- www.sheinside.com– $20.97- this is me everyday.



white short sleeve holly wood print t-shirt- www.sheinside.com– $22.79- i love this tee, especially the collar!


white striped short sleeve bicycle print t-shirt- www.sheinside.com– $22.62- i like bikes and stripes!


black short sleeve pineapple print loose t-shirt- www.sheinside.com– $21.45- i think this is so cute! i love the little details!


black and white vertical stripe holy chic print t-shirt- www.sheinside.com– $22.79- again i love the stripes and the message!


dual tone “skull” black t-shirt- www.romew.com– $35.39- the inner badass (who am i kidding) in me just loves skulls.


“ink painting” grey floral t-shirt- www.romwe.com– $28.99- i love the cute little flowers.


dual tone green t-shirt- www.romwe.com– $30.99- i love the colour-blocking and the neon!


white retro totem print t-shirt- www.romwe.com– $24.99- i love the vintage flair of this tee!


“twin sunflowers” black t-shirt- www.romwe.com– $20.50- i truly think this is just hilarious.


and the BEST part of these websites (sheinside and romwe) is that there are ALWAYS coupon codes for the sites if you just google them. here are some for you here: romwe (20%off) and sheinside (SPR15).

so before you think that wearing a t-shirt is too casual- think again! today i wore my coco t-shirt with a long black maxi skirt and a bunch of bangles and rings- the perfect work outfit.

hope you find something that you like!

ox, katie


the things my dad says.

my dad is truly a comedian, i’m just not sure if he knows it. each day we are subjected to his witty comments, wise remarks, intellectual rants, and unusual remarks. coming to canada from northern ireland many years ago, his accent is still terribly strong and many people have a hard time understanding what he says. i have to say that this just makes his sayings that much better. in honour of fathers day this upcoming sunday i’d like to share with you all some of the phrases that we hear on a regular basis from my dad. hopefully they put a smile on your face and make you laugh just as much as they do for my mom, the twins, and myself.


1. “what?”

this is said on a continuous basis because he can no longer hear. over the years it has gotten much worse. literally everything you say to him is followed by it. i secretly think his hearing may be fine but he is choosing to ignore us.

2. me: “hey dad! how was your day?”
dad: “what?”
me: “i said how was your day?”
dad: “what?”
me: “dad, you need to go get your hearing checked!”
   dad: “my hearing is fine, the doctor just said i can’t hear high-pitched voices like yours and moms”

again this is proof to me that he is ignoring us. he doesn’t suffer from loss of hearing, he suffers from selective hearing.

3. “do you want some cheese with that whine”

i am sure this is a favourite amongst many father’s, but my dad loves saying it- and chuckles each time he does.

4. me (singing): “livin’ it up at the hotel californniiaaaaa…”
dad: “hey katie?”
me: “…iiaaaaa. yah, whats up?”
   dad: “can you sing solo?”
   me: “clearly”
  dad: “SO LOW i can’t hear you!” (chuckle)

thanks for crushing my dreams dad.

5. “butter”

okay, i know this doesn’t come across well in written form, but with his irish accent it may be the funniest thing he ever says. just  try to imagine it said really fast with an emphasis on the “t’s”. it’s also usually followed by this:

dad: “simon, can you pass the butter?”
all of us laughing.
me: “dad, say butter”
dad: “margarine”

6. dad: “stop drinking pop katie, there is too much sugar”
    me: “dad, it’s diet, no sugar at all”
    dad: “stop drinking diet pop katie, there is too much aspartame”

there is just clearly no winning.

7. “your mother’s drunk”

this happens most times when i say good night and my mom is sleeping on the couch beside him, glass of wine still in hand.

8. “katie, every time you come downstairs i don’t know what you’re going to be wearing or what your going to look like.”

i often reply that i am just keeping everybody on their toes. i will take this as a compliment to my every-evolving style.

9. me: “hey dad, those jean’s you like from eddie bauer are on sale”
    dad: “i don’t need any jeans, i already have one pair”

please never let him look in my closet. please never let him look in my closet. please never let him look in my closet.

10. “your mother wears army boots”

clearly this is for a different generation, but i’m pretty sure he just insulted his wife.

11. simon: “dad, why don’t you have a profile picture on facebook?”
      dad: “i don’t want anyone on the internet seeing me”

well i am pretty this might have already happened. also considering he was on national television.

12. “glory, glory, man united. glory, glory, man united”

this is my dad’s cell phone ring. it often goes off in the middle of business meetings. he usually sings it afterwards.

13. “what about ya?”

really just the same as “how are you?” but much more irish. try listening to him when he visits and comes back. i don’t even know what he’s saying.

14. “i’m a social drinker, if you drink, so-shall-i”

i mean lets face it, i feel like this is said on a number of occasions. i also think it is a wisdom he has projected onto his three wonderful children. sarah, si and i are typically never ones to turn down drinks with friends.

15. “it’s far from your heart”

most people’s parents comfort them when they receive an injury, mine tell me to toughen up. i could literally be having chest pains and this would be my dad’s response lol.

however, i do think this last saying explains a lot about my dad and the way he has raised his family. although it may seem to many that it’s a phrase that lacks compassion, i think of it as the opposite. i think he was trying to teach us that nothing is as bad as it seems. that the world is full of bigger problems- that’ll we will survive. we just have to be strong. it’s a phrase that makes you stop and think that things can’t truly be so bad when you have loving parents who support you, a family that loves you, and a dad that would literally do anything for you.

so happy fathers day to the strongest man i’ve ever met. thank you for teaching sarah and simon and i to be strong, independent, confident, relentless, ambitious, warm, kind-hearted, loving, non-bullshit taking, understanding, courageous, passionate, loving, friendly, good drinkers- and most importantly that family is the most important thing in the whole wide world.

we love you so, so much.


ox, katie

p.s. i hope he reads this blog.

gone country: why i gave country music a chance.

for a long time i resisted. family members and friends often pushed me towards it- but i stood my ground. there were constant murmurs of “katie, you’ll like it”, “give it a try”…i felt the pressure, but i didn’t want to give in. to be honest i was slightly afraid, i’d heard things- it’s like a cult. but finally i caved. it happened. i must admit. i now like country music.


i always remember my dad playing typical country songs on long road trips. stories about people losing their dogs, their pick-up trucks, beer, beer, maybe some whiskey, beer. perhaps i was being too much of a music snob, or perhaps it was my teenage “emo” phase- but at the time i didn’t think the lyrics were good enough for me.

perhaps country music has evolved, or perhaps my music taste has expanded- but i just can’t get enough lately. perhaps i am overly emotional and just relate to what they are singing about, but i’m telling you- country music is where it’s at! i even have a country music playlist saved on my songza account- something i never thought i would even consider (check it out if you are a fellow country music lover here).

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there is something to be said about the way country music makes you feel. i feel like this is probably a line from many country songs but it truly “pulls at your heartstrings”. the other day i was sitting on the go train listening to lee brice’s “i drive your truck” quite literally bawling my eyes out (and i don’t cry too often). beside’s tugging at your emotionally, i feel that country musicians also have an incredible sense of humour. try craig campbell’s song “fish”– i guarantee you’ll get a bit of a shock when you hear the first line of the chorus.


perhaps it is also the fact that country music just seems to have the best outlook on life- to live it. to enjoy the little things that come your way. and not to take anything for granted. it gives you a sense of ease that everything in your life is going to be okay no matter what happens or what you’re going through. take a deep breath, grab a beer, sit outside, play the guitar, sing a song, be in love.

so i urge you- before you knock it- give it another try and you might be as surprised as i was.

here are some of my favourite country songs at the moment (i have a playlist on repeat on my ipod).

lee brice, “hard to love”

luke bryan, “drunk on you” (yes i know this was more so last summer but i love it)

justin moore, “bait a hook”

miranda lambert, “mama’s broken heart”

jason aldean, “tattoos on this town”

randy houser, “runnin’ outta moonlight”

hope you enjoy these as much as i do. ladies i’m sure you will agree but it also doesn’t hurt that guys in plaid are kinda smokin’ hot.

ox, katie

p.s. a big thank you to mack/sarah for being so persistant!


it’s another gloomy day- so what better way to cheer up then looking at pictures of amazing shoes.


one of the major reasons that i live, breathe, and love fashion so much is that it is an art form. fashion is a product of a designers inspiration and vision- and in turn- the items they create can also become an inspiration to others. fashion can change your life.

here are some of the most inspirational and beautiful shoes that i wouldn’t be upset about owning.

stella mccartney valerie plexi wedges


alice + olivia ursula capri glitter heel


vivienne westwood clomper sandal in tea garden


rick owens open toe chain wedges


chrissie morris stasia sandal


marc jacobs platform loafer


kenzo wild sandal


chloe susanna studded leather ankle boots


christian louboutin pigalle spikes pumps


saint laurent striped suede and metallic leather sandals


gianvito rossi cutout leather ankle booties


charlotte olympia hollywood platform sandals


isabel marant the carol studded leather sandals


nicholas kirkwood sculpted leather wedge pumps


jeffrey campbell coltrane


jeffrey campbell silverlake


jeffrey campbell secret


alaia cutout suede and metallic leather platform sandals


brian atwood claudelle


l.a.m.b noss


alexander mcqueen suede skull open toe


and these totally badass alexander mcqueen studded two-tone booties


and now i need to go shoe shopping.

ox, katie

expand your mind- it only costs 1 cent.

as soon as my friend told me his new years resolution was to read a book a week for the entire year (52 books in total) i was immediately in on the idea. i read a lot while traveling, commuting, etc. so i thought this was something i could definitely handle. i got a kobo ereader for christmas and everything! i was ready to go! quite frankly, i thought e-books would be cheaper then buying an actual hard-copy- turns out, i was wrong. they’re still basically the same price- and you don’t have something physical in your hand or to add to your library collection (i plan to have a full room library in my house one day!).

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so i started doing some research and remembered from my university days that you could buy used books on amazon.ca. well low and behold- you can get them for one penny!!! (and people say you can’t buy anything for a cent these days- wrong!).










if you are okay with used books (i basically fold mine and tear them up while reading so i don’t mind), then you can pretty much find any book that hasn’t just come out, on amazon for 1 cent. you do have to pay shipping however, which is generally in the vicinity of $5 (you can often qualify for super saver shipping if you are ordering more than one)- and your total cost is still only about $6 total- the cheapest i’ve found any books.


if you know me, you also know i love getting things in the mail- so this is a win-win situation. i find the books usually take about a week to ship to my house depending on where they are coming from- two weeks max.

if you’re not interested in ordering online, you can usually get 40% off books at the superstore or walmart. or if you are in the city there are quite a number of used books stores around- sometimes its hard to find exactly what you are looking for however.

here are some of the books i have recently ordered off amazon.ca and absolutely loved!

“One Day” by David Nicholls

200px-One_day_-_david_nicholls“Dark Places” by Gillian Flynn


“The Doctor’s Wife” by Elizabeth Brundage


each of the above books only cost me a penny and provided hours of entertainment. i know that you can also take books out from the library for free- but unfortunately i am one of those people who always forget to return them on time and end up paying ridiculous late fees. you could also try doing a swap and trading with friends if they are interested in reading as well! if anyone wants to borrow a book from me let me know!

reading is an excellent way to learn and get lost in a story. it’s definitely one of the ways i escape.

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ox, katie